LosslessBob – Utilities


The following utilities are free advanced collection management tools for windows users.







DigiFlawFinder is a free tool for those who do dat transfers or compare different transfer versions. It runs on later versions of Windows for 16bit wav files.


It was designed to find potential digital flaws like drops, digi-pops, square wav static, and discontinuities in a recording.


There are two main applications for DigiFlawFinder:


1) DigiFlawFinder helps with any digital transfer from dat in finding flaws for evaluation and possible correction before distribution.


2) It can be hard to judge which is the cleanest version among multiple flac/shns versions derived from same original source but with different transfer history. DigiFlawFinder can help determine which version has less or different accumulated transfer flaws.


Listening may still be required to determine whether a potential flaw reported is significant.


Determining and documenting flaws is very technical and detail oriented and time consuming and is obviously not for everyone. The description of the program and the documentation and how to get it is available at:




a yahoo user support group is at





This is a free collection management tool for bob dylan recordings based on the LosslessBob checksums.


The program looks up checksums in a database of LosslessBob checksums and reports matches.


This is not for everybody. This is for people into identifying lossless sets with ids. You must also have compatible computer equipment and a willingness to install, learn, and understand new software. The software can provide great productivity benefits in identifying lossless sets.


The program requires a sort of recent version of Windows like XP or afterwards that can run Windows.NET Framework and Windows Compact SQL database. All of those are free downloads. Full requirements are in the help file with a link to it below.


The checksum lookup can either be from checksums you copy to the clipboard from a web page or email or from files on your computer. For file lookup you can process multiple folders at once and then use the found ids to rename your folders.


The lookup tries to match all given checksums to the checksums in the database and then if it matches an id in the database, it checks to see whether the lookup set has all the files that are in the database for that id. It then reports all matches, non matches, and checksums that are missing from the lookup set so that you can find out how complete your set of checksums is.


More information is in the help file




and screen shots are at




a yahoo user support group is at




The latest versions can be downloaded as zip files from the following link




The LosslessBob checksum database and program exe zip file name is prefixed by Checksum_Lookup_db_exe” followed by the version number of the exe and the last LB number in the database.


For non Windows users or those who choose not to run the software, there is a flat file of the database information and its zip file name is prefixed by “Checksum_Lookup_flat_file” followed by the last LB number in the database. The flat file is a text file containing one line for each checksum in the database. That line contains a tab delimited set of fields which are the checksum, the filename, the type of checksum (f-flac, s=shntool, m=md5), the LB number, and the Xref. You might choose to load the file into a local database or a text editor. A checksum may be searched for by copying it to the clipboard and pasting it into that software’s search field. Performance will vary and may be slow as there are around 400,000 lines in the file.



This is a free collection management tool for the advanced collector of lossless audio files primarily in flac and shn format. It provides a very quick and easy way to tell whether you already have something that is being offered. It helps you build a database of the checksums and info files of the folders on your hard drives and stores them by the folder name. Once you have built the database, you can look up multiple md5, ffp, and st5 checksum sets to see whether you have them. The lookup can be done from checksums copied to the clipboard, or from selected folders or files. It reports all matching folders and also any checksums missing for a found folder. So you can tell what you have and what is missing.


This is not for everybody. This is for people into identifying lossless sets with checksums. You must also have compatible computer equipment and a willingness to install, learn, and understand new software. The software can provide great productivity benefits in identifying lossless sets.


MyChecksums is a follow up to the checksum_lookup software program. It works similar to checksum_lookup but instead of a provided database of losslessbob checksums, it helps you build your own database of the checksums of the folders on your hard drives. And then you lookup checksums on new torrents to see whether you have it already. It saves me a lot of research time trying to avoid getting stuff I already have. It quickly answers the question "do I already have this?".


The program requires a sort of recent version of Windows like XP or afterwards that can run Windows.NET Framework and Windows Compact SQL database. All of those are free downloads and they may already be on your computer. Full requirements are in the help file with a link to it below.


More information is in the help file:



and screen shots are at:



There is a discussion group for this software at:



And the latest version of this software is available for download at:




This tool aids in the conversion and testing of folders containing flac, shn, and wav files and the generation of md5, ffp, spec, and DigiFlawFinder files. The design allows for the easy conversion, testing, and processing of a single folder to a batch of all the folders on one or more hard drives.

There are other programs available from other sources which can be used to perform many of the same tasks, but they can require much more operator interaction and time. Still those programs will be adequate for most users’ needs. Very heavy or advanced users though may benefit from using ShnFlacWav.

Potential users of this program are those who can take advantage of batch processing. For example, the batch processing automates the overnight testing of the folders on your storage media such as hard drives. That allows you to early detect media failures and create another backup from your backup before that also fails. Other users will appreciate the interaction with the MyChecksums and DigiFlawFinder programs. And those who store their collection in flac or shn format but listen or do analysis in wav format may find a productivity advantage using this program to perform that conversion to wav.

More information is in the help file:


and screen shots are at:


a yahoo user support group is at
