LosslessBob LB-704
11/7/96Dayton, Ohio2B-57min +61min

sound quality starts off at B+ but goes to C- or lower at d2t2 because of brickwalling distortion;

(a sort of close eac match was bittorrented 3/07 described as "Audience recording > Unknown transfer > CDR(x) > Unknown DAE > FLAC > Trade DVD > HD > HungerCity, Drop d2t02@2:03. Quality varies but overall very good sound, [B+].");

(a bittorrent from 09/10 is a not close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws plus more like discontinuities between tracks; described as same as 03/07 torrent with filenames like "d1\bd1996-11-07d1t01.flac"; xref-00578)

big cut at d2t2 2:03, can get a little harsh on some louder portions starting d2t2 with brickwalling distortion; end of d2t7 missing; drop/cut between cdrs, d1t7 0:03, near ends of tracks on d2t2 to d2t6

1 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) 2 Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You 3 All Along The Watchtower 4 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 5 You're A Big Girl Now 6 Silvio 7 Tangled Up In Blue (acoustic w band) 8 My Back Pages (acoustic w band)


1 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (acoustic w band) 2 Everything Is Broken 3 I Shall Be Released 4 Highway 61 Revisited 5 Like A Rolling Stone 6 It Ain't Me, Babe (acoustic w band) 7 Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35

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Year 1996
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