LosslessBob LB-1588
9/1/89Park City2B56min+52min

very good sound, has light tv band; nothing above 19k exept lego parapets; slight hiss noticable in quiet parts; talking d1t4, d2t3, d2t5, d2t8
has small but very noticable gaps between each tracks sometimes in the music; digi-static 0:40 before music; d2t1 0:43, 0:44., 0:52; drop d1t1 0:40, d2t5 0;09

1 Unknown Instrumental 2 Positively 4th Street 3 Man Gave Names To All TheAnimals 4 Gotta Serve Somebody 5 The Man In Me 6 Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 7 Highway 61 Revisited 8 Love Minus Zero/No Limit (acoustic) 9 The LonesomeDeath Of Hattie Carroll (acoustic) 10 Mama, You Been On My Mind (acoustic)


1 Barbara Allen 2 Knockin' On Heaven's Door (acoustic->electric) 3 Queen JaneApproximately 4 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 5 I'll Remember You 6 I Shall BeReleased 7 Like A Rolling Stone 8 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (acoustic) 9 All Along The Watchtower

lbdir-bd89-09-01_Salt Lake City, UT.txt
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