LosslessBob LB-3641
11/10/05Bologna, Italy, Palamalaguti2A57min+53min

Taper: HV, Lineage: Audio disks (from taper) > (feurio) wav > (flacfrontend) flac.

excellent sound [A]; similar quality to previous recordings; this had more background hiss like noise and was the least warm; next least warm was the MM version with the sh being the warmest and best sounding in this 3 way comparison
Disk One, 1. Maggie's Farm (Donnie on steel guitar), 2. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You, (Bob on harp, Donnie on pedal steel), 3. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Donnie in violin), 4. Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Donnie on pedal steel), 5. Down Along The Cove (Donnie on steel guitar), 6. Girl Of The North Country (acoustic) (Bob on harp, Donnie on pedal steel), 7. Cold Irons Bound (Donnie on steel guitar), 8. Never Gonna Be The Same Again (Donnie on pedal steel), 9. Highway 61 Revisited (Donnie on steel guitar), Disk Two, 10. Sugar Baby (acoustic) (Donnie on pedal steel), 11. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Donnie on pedal steel), 12. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, (Donnie on pedal steel), 13. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Donnie on electric mandolin), 14. Summer Days (Donnie on steel guitar, Tony on standup bass), (encore), 15. Like A Rolling Stone (Donnie on pedal steel), 16. All Along The Watchtower (Donnie on steel guitar)
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