LosslessBob LB-4521
11/8/89Durham, North Carolina, Duke University2C46min+46min

version "a"; Disk times 1 45:34.59, 2 45:36.06, Track times added using eac information

bittorrent download 02/07;nothing above 19k; has lego parapets; different recording than LB-2463 based on this ones clapping at d2t8 0:411; in comparison this has hiss and is not as warm or natural sound; good sound [C]; (did not listen to all of this) (part of a series of torrents with each track inadvertently normalized to 98%)
has gaps between tracks; has some discontinuities
1. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 (3:34.23), 2. I Want You (5:59.25), 3. Simple Twist Of Fate (6:58.41), 4. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (5:45.02), 5. Stuck Inside Of Mobile (6:33.64), 6. Lay Lady Lay (5:38.14), 7. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (6:26.70), 8. Dark As A Dungeon (Merle Travis) (4:38.45), 9. Mr. Tambourine Man (7:41.61), 10. Everything Is Broken (3:59.24), 11. Most Of The Time (5:09.25), 12. Man In The Long Black Coat (5:15.50), 13. In The Garden (5:20.03), 14. Like A Rolling Stone (6:26.34), 15. Barbara Allen (trad.) (4:11.64), 16. Disease Of Conceit (3:40.14), 17. All Along The Watchtower (3:51.31)
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