Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
6/29/96 | London, England, London, England, Hyde Park, MasterCard Masters of Music Concert for The Prince's Trust. | 2 | B+ | 60min |
version "a"
nothing above 18k except lego parapets; has tv band on t3; harsh; background talking d1t2; this seems to be a lossy combination of LB-4850 but with symetrical wavs based on same crowd at end of t1 plus a lossy version of probably the broadcast; in comparison this is harsher but fuller sound; t3 also seems a minute shorter but speed difference was not apparent so this is probably cut; (did not listen to all of this)
digipop t3 5:34
CD159:16, 1. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, 2. All Along The Watchtower, 3. Positively 4th Street, 4. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 5. Tangled Up In Blue, 6. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, 7. Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter), 8. Seven Days, 9. Highway 61 Revisited
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Year 1996
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