Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/6/89 | SAN DIEGO, Starlight Bowl | 2 | B- | 53min+37min |
version "c"; no info file provided; torrent description follows:, "IAR 022, no more information about the source available, very nice "BOB" show, quality is good but not excellent;";
bittorrent download 01/08; track splits were indicated by the provided log files; nothing above 19k except lego parapets; in 4-way comparison these are all the same recordings based on same clapping at end of d1t10; this and LB-2746 seemed based on JTT's mini-disk dylantree version mentioned in his retransfer notes oft LB-4700; this does seem to be a remaster of LB-2746 based on the lowering and limiting of the clapping at the end of d1t10; this is not as harsh as that one; JTT's new transfer at LB-4700 has less hiss and a clearer sound than this and LB-2746; LB-0541 seems derived from a different cassete than these 3; it runs almost 5% faster on d1t10 than LB-4700 so underlying sound quality is hard to compare but probably seems it might have similar quality to LB-4700 if it were speed corrected but would still have a little more hiss and be harsher; (did not listen to all of this)(a bittorrent from 03/11 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws; described as "Improved Air Catalog Number: IA22, TITLE: *Sixties Again* (2cd)" with filenames like "CD1\01 Visions Of Johanna.flac"; xref-00749)
drops between some tracks
CD11. Visions of Johanna, 2. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, 3. Positively 4th Street, 4. I Want You, 5. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 6. Highway 61 Revisited, 7. Love Minus Zero / No Limit, 8. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down, 9. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 10. One Too Many Mornings,
11. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry, 12. Queen Jane Approximately, 13. I Shall Be Released, 14. Like A Rolling Stone, 15. Mr. Tambourine Man, 16. Maggie's Farm
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