Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
11/20/96 | East Lansing, Mi, USA | 2 | A | 61min+47min |
Source: Sonic Studio Mics PA-6 > Sony D7, Transfer: DAT > Sony Standalone CD Burner > FreeRIP (FLAC) > Bulk Rename Utility (Track ID) > Trader's Little Helper (FFP) > Torrent
bittorrent download 01/09; in comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at end of d1t1; this has a warmer sound than dt LB-5065; excellent sound [A]
drop/cut between cdrs
Disc One, 01 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), 02 Senor, 03 All Along The Watchtower, 04 Positively 4th Street, 05 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 06 Silvio, 07 Mr. Tambourine Man (acoustic), 08 Masters Of War (acoustic), 09 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (acoustic), Disc Two, 01 Absolutely Sweet Marie, 02 Joey, 03 Highway 61 Revisited, (encore), 04 Like A Rolling Stone, 05 The Times They Are A-Changin' (acoustic), 06 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
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Year 1996
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