Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/19/96 | Molde, Norway (Romsdalsmuseet - The Molde Jazz Festival) | B+ |
version "b"; 48k, From my old DAT (received in trade 1996-11-07). There's currently only one LB listing for this show (LB-3494) -- that entry mentions hiss, and I believe this is a digital transfer from a digital master (ie, no hiss that I can discern) -- exCEPT for the last song (Babe), which is recorded at 32khz and is clearly from a different (hissy) source. I did not notice any of the "discontinuity pops" mentioned in the LB-3494 listing on this one. The actual audio recording is "ok" -- I guess around the B of the current LB listing -- other than being slightly distant, the biggest problem is that the taper and/or his nearest sectionmates are pretty clap-along-happy. Scouring the internet re this show creates some confusion: The sites and both allege that this show was "released" by Kiss The Stone (KTS 578-79, "Romsdalsmuseet, Molde" -- both listings show the correct Molde set list and provide cover art, which I stole for my files) -- but alleges that KTS 578-79 is the boot "North Wind Blowing," from the previous night (1996-07-18 Oslo). Bobsboots does not seem to list a Molde release of any kind. So... all I can say is there's not yet an LB listing for the alleged KTS Molde release. FINAL NOTE: The LB-3494 listing does not mention the fact that Van Morrison sings/plays on both I Shall Be Released and Real Real Gone, which he clearly does., f/p: despite the claphappiness of the nearby audience members, they are admirably silent, verbally. Best fingerprint I can discern is the rhythmic CLOSE clapping on track 12 (I shall Be Released) which begins at about 0:20 (at the moment the crowd realizes that Van has taken the stage). The REALLY close clapper seems to take a break around 3:20., TRANSFER DATE: 2016-05-29, WHAT I DID: DAT > WAV > Sound Forge (broke intro tracks, fade in 1, fade out 16) > FLAC., WHAT I DID NOT DO: resample the files (they remain @ 48 khz, just as on the original DAT -- except for the last song which remains @ 32khz -- so you will have to convert them yourself in order to burn to CD)., All thanks to the original taper and to the person who sent me the DAT (who may or may not be the same person)!, Feel free to delete all of the "a" tracks (I know I already did) -- they are just audience noise; but I now know that some of you prize audience noise, so I will be faithfully torrenting it ALL henceforth. ;o}