LosslessBob LB-12364
2/xx/62New York City, New York, Cynthia Gooding's apartment, Between 13 February and March 1962 A-25min

cynthia gooding party tape soundcloud, Bob Dylan (guitar & vocal)., 3 unidentified shared vocal., 4 unidentified background vocal and percussion., Song List Source, Krogsgaard, DylanBase lists an additional track on the end, "Ranger's Command" (Woody Guthrie)., Bjrner, in his calendar summary of events, lists 6 songs performed, (presumably including "Rangers Command" in the count) but in the detailed track, listing lists only the 5 tracks as above., However, examination of the recording reveals a cut between Long Time Man Feel Bad, and Ranger's Command, and the recording characteristics alter (vocal much louder, and more muffled). "Rangers Command" belongs to another source, one which was, commonly circulated paired with the above recording, hence the common confusion., Date Attribution, 13 January 1962, could be March 1962: DylanBase, February: Bjorner, February/March 1962: Krogsgaard, Probably March: Dundas, It is clear that the earliest possible date must be 13 February 1962 because the first, song performed, "Ballad Of Donald White", was only composed on the evening of, 12 February 1962., All the cited sources agree that March is a possibility and so this would appear, to be the latest possible date., John Howells' review: http://www.punkhart.com/dylan/tapes/62-gooding.html, This is one of the more interesting party tapes around., The sound is good, the performances relaxed and uninhibited, and everyone involved, sounds like they're having a good time. "Acne" is pretty unbearable overall and just, shows Dylan to be having a great time fooling around with his friends., "Rocks and Gravel" is much more basic than the version that eventually appeared on, early pressings of the Freewheelin' album. "Ballad of Donald White" isn't too good, but then this is true of most early Dylan originals., The tune was adapted from another old tune. "Wichita" is, of course, an old blues, tune and not too badly done, although I much prefer the studio version recorded, during the Freewheelin' sessions. Overall, a rather dispensible tape for the casual, collector. For completists only. (obviously written down before Leyla Spencer uploaded, this tape to SoundCloud, in 2014), CDs:, - Hard Times in New York City 1961 -1962, Witchita, Rocks and Gravel, Ranger's Command, - I Was So Much Younger Then [Dandelion], Notes:, - This tape circulates as The Cynthia Gooding Tape (Recorded by Cynthia Gooding.), - Uploaded to SoundCloud by Leyla Spencer, one of Cynthia Gooding's daughters, in 2014., https://soundcloud.com/leylaspencer/cynthia-gooding-archives-bob, She added the note:, "This tape was made at Cynthia's apartment., Also present were Mel and Lillian Bailey, Suze Rotolo, Leyla and Ayshe (Cynthia's daughers.)", Mono recording, 25 minutes., Source: SoundCloud, recorded streaming audio with audacity by Blindwilly, resulting in one lossy wav file., Some pitch bending on Ballad of Donald White, between 0:21 and 0:26, using Cool Edit Pro 1.2, Splitted into tracks, using Cool Edit Pro 1.2, Converted wav files into FLAC level 5, Also added the lossless track: 09 - Rangers Command, which was taken from bootleg: "I Was So Much Younger Then", The quality of this track is a lot worse than Leyla Spencer's upload

bittorrent download 09/16; nothing above 16k; has tv band; t9 matches ffp to 1/1/58 bootleg "I Was So Much Younger" LB-7973 and otherwise that is of much lesser qualitythan this; excellent sound [A-]
01 - Ballad Of Donald White, 02 - Wichita (Traditional), 03 - Acne (Eric von Schmidt), 04 - Rocks And Gravel, 05 - Long Time Man Feel Bad (Traditional), (06 - Rangers Command (Woody Guthrie)) see note below
Year 1962
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