Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/18/06 | Kansas City, Missouri | 2 | A- | 75min+49min |
at933s, AT-933s w/ 853 cardoid capsules > Battery Box (set to flat) > D-8 >, Tracked w/HK-CDR2 > Ripped to 16 bit WAVE w/EAC > Encoded to FLAC, (level 6) w/TLH, Bob was touring with Merle Haggard & The Strangers. I think they, were taking turns opening. Lucky for me Bob opened this night. I, had crap seats in the upper balcony. I went to the lower balcony and, there was a ton of space between the front row and the balcony rail., sat on the floor and set up trying to be invisible. I made it, through Bob, but if I recall, during the break some security jerk, decided I shouldn't be there. He asked for my ticket and made me, move to the upper balcony. So the sound was worse and the people, around me were having a good old time and letting everyone know it., No complaints, I got what I came for. The show was good and Bob, was putting a strange emphasis to his lyrics in a way I'd never heard, him do before. It was different and better than the same ole same, ole. I'd imagine doing it the same way over and over would get boring, and he was having fun giving it a little twist. Great show!