Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
8/16/89 | Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 2 | B | 63min+58min |
BOOTLEG: hot august night;, Bob Dylan / Hot August Night 1989 / 2CD / Non Label, Translated Text:, Troy G. Chastain Memorial Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 16th August 1989, MERCY FOR POUGHKEEPSIE which our shop released several years ago received a high reputation from maniacs all over the world as a famous board from the USA in autumn 1989 which became the first tour after the release of Dylan's resurrected work OH MERCY It was. Even though it was a tour of epoch making time that the famous board like the one mentioned above was released and the recorded song from the album was exhibited live for the first time, the number of items has been extremely small, and even in the audience recording of even higher sound quality The time when recording was awaited. It seems that MERCY FOR which was full of both content and sound quality was an item that was waiting for mania., This time it will be a release from the 1989 tour since then, but in fact this year was a year when I saw Dylan's long live history rarely see extreme changes. Originally in 1989 I spent the first half of the OH MERCY recording, and it was rare for Dylan at this time to start the live activity. But the tour continues to change once it begins. Only a European tour from the end of May to June is why many items exist from long ago whereas as soon as it became America from summer to fall it is said that a long time dilemma in 1989 It was a good level., Besides, the change from the summer tour becomes extremely intense, and it is not such an interesting time as the time to collect or listen as a sound source? I think so. A new band that was formed mainly by GE Smith in 1988 grew into a reliable existence that can respond to any demand of Dylan now, and it made it possible to make a pattern of freely changeable that was the summer of 1989 It may have been from autumn to autumn., Atlanta performance on August 16th 1989 released this time is also a tremendous set list. Suddenly the first song is Trouble, and now it is not funny even if there is a person who is felt as Which song from the album covers? This is a song that was in the 1981 album SHOT OF LOVE. Well then I will not understand! You are no mistake, too (laugh)., Dylan who is playing such a heavy shiver number with live opening is crazy. However, the idea of ??raising the tempo of the blues number which was played loose in the album slightly and playing in rock style is quite impressive even in the album., It's cool, but the snow falls from the opening with no name recognition zero Trail Of Buffalo. It is famous as a mania for the 1988 tour's acoustic repertoire, but here it is a hard electric arrange. Of course not only is this impact enough, but this electric arrange was given only this and the other before and after. The atmosphere which is played in Europe several months ago is completely different. And finally Queen Jane Approximately. It can be said that it is a set list of dreams if it is from Dylan mania all over the world. This extremely rare repertoire was played silently from the beginning was the 89 year tour., Furthermore, as you can understand by listening to Just Like A Woman, Dylan's condition is full of engine. The grueling performance of the group led by GE Smith and the splendor of Dylan's chemistry pushing the gangs. It would be easiest to understand that this day is a particularly outstanding day even at the stage of the summer of 1989, if you listen to this sound source., Also the sound quality of the audience recording of this day is superb. Anyway, the clearness is outstanding, and the freshness as if it was recorded in 2016 is also wonderful. However, as long as you can hear the best Dylan and the band's performance, there is no first appearance sound source for this press CD limited., Dylan also skipped in the second half of the live. I think that a slow ballad started with the usual Silvio changing the atmosphere, covering what Van Morrison One Irish Rover covers. Although it was a song that was included in Morrison's album NO GURU, NO METHOD, NO TEACHER in 1986, Dylan is also a repertoire singing favorably throughout 1989. But from the audience of the day you expected the normal Dylan live without any prior knowledge, is it ???, Atlanta performance recorded with the best performance and the highest sound quality on the surprised set list like this, the second piece contains six songs from the first half from the Inglewood performance two weeks later as a bonus track Although it is being done, what this is There is not a single song with Atlanta. Moreover, the opening pattern was introduced when a novel pattern of starting with instrumental was introduced. Far from being a song does not suffer when it becomes like this, it is a surprising composition that you can hear completely different live. Will it change normally so far in two weeks?, The sound quality of the audience recording is different from Atlanta with rounding analog tick quality, and at the same time the sound image is closer than Atlanta. Compared to main part Atlanta, you can see how much the Dylan and the band in the summer of 1989 were playing a live and free live. Before the release of confidential work OH MERCY before the release, the superb sound source and the finest live of the time when the live was more aggressively released was finally released. Taste the tremendousness of Dylan in 1989!