LosslessBob LB-13528
5/26/05Fort Lauderdale, FL2A-76min+07min

akg391 dolphinsmile, My master> I taped with AKG391 and Sony D8 first row, of the seating area facing a bank of speakers aimed, at the seats.This is the first time I transfer directly, from the dat, I upped this previously but burned directly\, to disc, this 16/48 as origianlly taped>File cloned in, Microtrack using Tascam Dat deck>Goldwave tracking and, removal of a couple of minor bumps. Vol also raised, a bit.>TLH8, Short set, due to rain delay.

bittorrent download 06/18; cdr split not specified; this seems to be same recording as LB-10213 based on same clapping at end of show and on t2 with channels swapped; in comparison this has a fuller sound; soomlos LB-2929 has fullest warmest sound, then Spyder9 LB-2832, and then this; (did not listen to all of this)
Drifter's Escape, Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power), Cry A While, I'll Remember You, Things Have Changed, Forever Young, Cat's In The Well, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, It Ain't Me, Babe, Highway 61 Revisited *, Encore:, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, Encore:, All Along The Watchtower
Year 2005
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