Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/23/96 | Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark | | A | |
dolphinsmile 48k, I think this was taped with OKM mics but not sure. Got the clone, from that CC crowd.At the time I didnt know what CC would be. LOL, That DH used to tell peeps not to tape because he worked for the, record company and have you arrested. So he could then make his, bootlegs.They would make Box sets full of BS that the Shakespeare, Dylanologists loved and 'collected'., Clone to me>File cloned into Microtrack using a Tascam dat recorder>, Goldwave tracking>TLH8, Dolphinsmile Producer, for the Dolphinsmile Archive
bittorrent download 07/18; this is same recording as LB-6255 based on same clapping wavs at beginning of d1t2 with similar wav and spectral view except this is at 48k and has a little higher levels so has a little clipping; (did not listen to all of this)
To Be Alone With You, If You see Her Say Hello, All Along The Watchtower, Tears Of Rage, I Don't Believe You, Silvio, Boots Of Spanish Leather, Masters Of War, Friend Of The Devil, Tombstone Blues, She Belongs To Me, Everything Is Broken, It Ain't Me Babe, Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Year 1996
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