Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
5/17/96 | Cleveland, OH | | A | |
version "g" 48k, From a DAT (received in trade, 1996 -- zero lineage info, but sounds D>D to me). This is a different recording from LB-2280 and from LB-2270/LB-7407, based on the foreground whoop right after the line, "and were taking him away" in Drifter's Escape (track 01 @ 1:11 on this one) which is not present on LB-2280 or LB-7407. nice full, upfront sound, lots of bass; raucous crowd., FIRST SHARED: 2018-08-16, WHAT I DID: DAT > WAV > Sound Forge (split into tracks) > FLAC > MP3tag (tagging), WHAT I DID NOT DO: resample the files (they remain @ 48 khz, just as on my DAT, so you will have to convert them yourself in order to burn to CD)., All thanks to the taper and to the person who sent me the DAT.
bittorrent download 08/18; in 3-way comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at beginning of d1t9; NTA LB-2280 has fullest sound, then this and then hg LB-7407 which is also harsher; this also has background talking like those; (did not listen to all of this)
discontinuity pop t10 6:25, 6:27
01 Drifter's Escape, 02 Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power), 03 All Along The Watchtower, 04 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met), 05 Watching The River Flow, 06 Silvio, 07 Tangled Up In Blue, 08 To Ramona, 09 Friend Of The Devil, 10 Seeing The Real You At Last, 11 She Belongs To Me, 12 Maggie's Farm, 13 Alabama Getaway, 14 My Back Pages, 15 Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
Year 1996
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