Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/10/19 | Stuttgart, Germany | | | |
gandhavarsounds, GandhavarSounds recording, H2 Zoom (wav 16/44.1) > direct download, HD > tlh > flac level 6 > md5 & ffp > torrent, Nothing changed, only transfered to FLAC, MD5 and FFP added, GandhavarSounds 029 wav, original info file:, GandhavarSounds 029 wav, This should be called the "Dylan is an alien" file..., Some close shouters but very good atmosphere..., recorder: H2zoom, This is the original wav, just edited., A GandharvaSounds production
bittorrent download 07/19; did not review this(a bittorrent from 07/19 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws; described as "Nothing changed, only transfered to FLAC, SBEs fixed, MD5 and FFP added" with filenames like "01. Intro + Ballad Of A Thin Man-fixed.flac"; xref-01960)
01. Intro + Ballad Of A Thin Man.wav, 02. It Ain't Me, Babe.wav, 03. Highway 61 Revisited.wav, 04. Simple Twist Of Fate.wav, 05. Can't Wait.wav, 06. When I Paint My Masterpiece.wav, 07. Honest With Me.wav, 08. Tryin' To Get To Heaven.wav, 09. Scarlet Town.wav, 10. Make You Feel My Love.wav, 11. Pay In Blood.wav, 12. Like A Rolling Stone.wav, 13. Early Roman Kings.wav, 14. Girl From The North Country.wav, 15. Love Sick.wav, 16. Thunder On The Mountain.wav, 17. Soon After Midnight.wav, 18. Gotta Serve Somebody.wav, 19. audience.wav, Encore, 20. Blowin' In The Wind.wav
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