LosslessBob LB-15215
10/25/10Madison, Wisconsin A 

early c 2448, early show, Notes:, Audience recording from approximately 16th row center, These are the original bits as fixed to storage at the time of the event, except for start and end fades, and two small spots of mic handling noise on the right channel, which were edited in post., This has not circulated prior to Bob's 80th birthday in 2021, and hence, has no LosslessBob index number yet.

web download 05/21; in 3-way comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at end of t2; in comparison on t9 this sounds similar to LB-9341 and has warmer sound than goverlid LB-8963; (did not listen to all of this)
01. introduction, 02. Cat's In The Well (Bob on guitar, Donnie on violin), 03. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob on guitar, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar), 04. Things Have Changed (Bob on guitar, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar), 05. Just Like A Woman (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar), 06. The Levee's Gonna Break (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin, Tony on standup bass), 07. Tangled Up In Blue (Bob center stage on harp, Donnie on pedal steel, Stu on acoustic guitar), 08. Cold Irons Bound (Bob center stage on harp, Donnie on lap steel), 09. Desolation Row (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin, Stu on acoustic guitar, Tony on standup bass, George on bongos), 10. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap steel), 11. Not Dark Yet (Bob center stage on harp, Donnie on lap steel, Stu on acoustic guitar), 12. Thunder On The Mountain (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap, Stu on acoustic guitar), 13. Ballad Of A Thin Man (Bob center stage on harp, Donnie on lap steel), 14. encore break, 15. Jolene (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap steel, Tony on standup bass), 16. Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on pedal steel), 17. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on keyboard, Donnie on lap steel)
Year 2010
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