Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/30/96 | Syracuse,New York | 2 | | |
mk 4, Source: 2-Schoeps CMC6 W/MK-4 Cardiod ( Schoeps ORTF Bar )>Clamped To Rail, Sonosax SX-M2 Pre-Amp>Sony D-10 Pro II DAT F.O.B., DAT Transfer: Sony PCM-2700>SP/DIF>Tascam CD-RW900 MKII July 2014, CD Transfer: CD Opital Drive>Traders Little Helper FLAC Encoding, Location: Loge Left/Center Row A Seat 8 Taper: Terry Sullivan
bittorrent download 09/21; this is same recording as LB-3444 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t4 with same wav and spectral view except levels are different and this has more digital flaws; (did not listen to all of this)
drop/cut between cdrs; discontinuities between tracks
Disc 1, 01 Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat, 02 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, 03 All Along The Watchtower, 04 Shooting Star, 05 Sitting Here Watching The River Flow, 06 Silvio, 07 Tangled Up In Blue, 08 Boots Of Spanish Leather, 09 Friend Of The Devil, 10 Seven Days, 11 She Belongs To Me, Disc 2, 12 Maggie's Farm, 13 Alabama Getaway, 14 Times They Are A Changin', 15 Rainy Day Woman
Year 1996
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