LosslessBob LB For Year 2023
LB-157514/6/23Osaka, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 109 mins, recorded by
LB-157524/7/23Osaka, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 107 mins, recorded by
LB-157534/8/23Osaka, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 107 mins, recorded by
LB-157564/11/23Tokyo, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 109 mins, recorded by
LB-157574/12/23Tokyo, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 108 mins, recorded by
LB-157594/14/23Tokyo, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 108 mins, recorded by
LB-157764/14/23Tokyo, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157604/15/23Tokyo, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 106 mins, recorded by
LB-157774/15/23Tokyo, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157614/16/23Tokyo, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 109 mins, recorded by
LB-157784/16/23Tokyo, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157624/18/23Nagoya, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 112 mins, recorded by
LB-157704/18/23Nagoya, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157634/19/23Nagoya, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 105 mins, recorded by
LB-157714/19/23Nagoya, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157644/20/23Nagoya, Japan  spot 24, A Spot Recording 118 mins, recorded by
LB-157724/20/23Nagoya, Japan  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-157956/2/23Porto, Portugal  nightlymoth, A nightly moth recording 112 mins,
LB-157966/2/23Porto, Portugal  spot 24, A Spot Recording 112 mins, recorded by
LB-157976/4/23Lisbon, Portugal  spot 24, A spot Recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-157986/5/23Lisbon, Portugal  spot remix 24, A spot recording, recorded by spot
LB-157996/7/23Madrid, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158096/7/23Madrid  soundcheck 24, , 31 mins, Taken from youtube with
LB-158006/8/23Madrid, Spain  lbp51 24, Audience Recording (24bit/96k), Taper:
LB-158016/8/23Madrid, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158026/10/23Seville, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158036/11/23Seville, Spain  spot wav24f, a spot recording, recorded by spot
LB-158166/11/23Seville, Spain  lbp51 24, Audience Recording (24bit/96k), Taper:
LB-158046/13/23Granada, Spain  nightlymoth, A nightly moth recording 110 mins,
LB-158056/13/23Granada, Spain  spot remix 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot
LB-158796/13/23Rough And Rowdy In6 BOOTLEG: europe box 2023 volume 4 crystal cat; CC
LB-158066/15/23Alicante  dvdylan, The very 1st DVDylan ("theVygi") Audio
LB-158076/15/23Alicante, Spain  nightlymoth, A nightly moth recording 110 mins,
LB-158106/15/23Alicante, Spain  sway, recorded by Sway, mixed by audiowhore,
LB-158086/19/23San Sebastian  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-160376/19/23San Sebastian, Spain  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158116/20/23San Sebastian, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-160386/20/23San Sebastian, Spain  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158126/21/23Logrono, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-160396/21/23Logrono, Spain  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158136/23/23Barcelona, Spain  spot 24, , a spot recording, recorded by spot
LB-160406/23/23Barcelona, Spain  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158146/24/23Barcelona, Spain  lbp51mix 24, Audience Recording (48k/24bit),
LB-158156/24/23Barcelona, Spain  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158246/26/23Carcassonne, France  mani r 05, Taper: "Mani", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-158256/26/23Carcassonne, France  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158466/26/23Carcassonne, France  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158266/27/23Aix-en-Provence  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158476/27/23Aix-en-Provence  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158276/29/23Lyon, France  bach 24, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-158286/29/23Lyon, France  mani r 05, Taper: "Mani", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-158296/29/23Lyon, France  nightlymoth jtt, A nightly moth recording 110 mins
LB-158306/29/23Lyon, France  nightlymoth, A nightly moth recording 110 mins,
LB-158316/29/23Lyon, France  spot remix 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot
LB-158486/29/23Lyon, France  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158326/30/23Lyon, France  bach 24, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-158336/30/23Lyon, France  nightlymoth jtt, n, pedal steel, lap steel, Tony
LB-158346/30/23Lyon, France  nightlymoth, A nightly moth recording 108 mins,
LB-158496/30/23Lyon, France  mani r 05, l, Taper: "Mani", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-158357/1/23Montreux  sway 24, Sway recording, (44-24 resolution), mixed
LB-158367/3/23Milan, Italy  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-158537/4/23Milan, Italy  shadow, Recorded and mastered by The Shadow,
LB-158377/6/23Lucca, Italy  mani r 05, Taper: "Mani", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-158387/6/23Lucca, Italy  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158507/6/23Lucca, Italy  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-158397/7/23Perugia, Italy  andrea82 24, Taper: Andrea82, Source: Audio
LB-158407/7/23Perugia, Italy  andrea82, Taper: Andrea82, Source: Audio Technica
LB-158417/7/23Perugia, Italy  bach 24, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-158427/7/23Perugia, Italy  mani r 05, Taper: "Mani", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-158437/7/23Perugia, Italy  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158447/9/23Rome, Italy  spot 24, a spot recording, recorded by spot (48-24
LB-158599/23/23Farm Aid  ironchef, Source: Sound Professionals CMC-08s
LB-158609/23/23FARM AID 2023  mp4a jtt, SOURCE : MP4a (JDownloader 2 >
LB-1586410/1/23Kansas City  spot 24, 105 mins, A Spot Recording, recorded by
LB-1586510/1/23Kansas City  spot audiowhore 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members
LB-1601410/1/23Kansas City  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-1586610/2/23Kansas City  spot audiowhore wavf, A Spot Recording, Band
LB-1604110/2/23Kansas City  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-1586710/4/23St. Louis, Missouri  spot audiowhore 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members
LB-1586810/6/23Chicago, Illinois  spot audiowhore 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members
LB-1586910/6/23Chicago, IL  nak701 sos ford, Source: Franken Nak701 > Naiant
LB-1587010/6/23Chicago, IL  nak701 sos ford 24, Source: Franken Nak701 >
LB-1587110/7/23Chicago, Illinois  spot audiowhore wavf,, A Spot Recording, Band
LB-1587210/8/23Chicago, Illinois  spot audiowhore 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members
LB-1595610/8/23Chicago, Illinois  joel berk finbar, A "Joel Berk" Recording,
LB-1587310/14/23Grand Rapids  tascam auto level 24, This concert was recorded by
LB-1604210/14/23Grand Rapids  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-1588910/16/23Indianapolis  mlgunderson ironchef, Source: Roland R07 (internal
LB-1587410/17/23Indianapolis  ironchef, Notes: This is the second of two shows
LB-1588010/20/23Cincinnati, Oh.  csheb, Source: Core Sound HEBs (dpa 4061s) > C.S.
LB-1604310/20/23Cincinnati, Ohio  mk4v soomlos 24, Recorded by: soomlos, schoeps
LB-1591510/21/23Akron, Ohio  sway audiowhore, A sway Recording, Band Members,
LB-1595710/23/23Akron, Ohio  sway audiowhore, A sway Recording; recorded by
LB-1588110/24/23Rochester, New York  sonic, Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > Sony
LB-1596710/24/23Rochester, New York  sway audiwhore 24, recorded by Sway (48-24
LB-1595810/26/23Ontario, Canada  sway audiowhore 24, JTT November 2023, recorded by
LB-1589010/27/23Toronto, Ontario  krewechief cp, Taper: krewechief, Tweaked by
LB-1595910/27/23Ontario, Canada  sway audiowhore 24, Recorded on an Apple Watch,
LB-1588410/29/23Montreal  micro magnon, Taper: Micro-Magnon, the Stone-Age
LB-1588510/30/23Schenectady, NY  tapir jon 24, Source: Slint Lavalier Mics (in hat)
LB-1591610/30/23Schenectady, NY  billco smores 24, Lineage: Tascam DR-07 w/internal
LB-1596010/30/23Schenectady, NY  sway audiowhore 24, recorded by sway (48-24
LB-1589111/3/23Boston, MA  ccm4 24, Sony PCM-D10, Schoeps CCM4, 192/24 wav
LB-1589211/3/23Boston, MA  schoeps ccm4 jtt, Sony PCM-D10, Schoeps CCM4,
LB-1589311/4/23Boston, MA  ccm4 24, Sony PCM-D10, Schoeps CCM4, 192/24 wav
LB-1589411/4/23Boston  whofan70 finbar, Recording: WhoFan70, Recorded
LB-1589511/5/23Boston, MA  ccm4 24, Sony PCM-D10, Schoeps CCM4, 192/24 wav
LB-1592111/7/23Port Chester  nightly moth, A "Nightly Moth" Recording,
LB-1592211/8/23Port Chester  nightly moth, A "Nightly Moth" Recording,
LB-1591711/10/23Providence  sway audiowhore, A sway Recording, Band Members,
LB-1589611/11/23Waterbury  krewechief cp, Taper: krewechief, Tweaked by
LB-1589711/11/23Waterbury, CT  sony pcm a10 24, Sony PCM-A10 (X/Y config. 24/96)
LB-1589811/12/23Springfield  krewechief cp, Taper: krewechief, Tweaked by
LB-1589911/12/23Springfield, MA  sp, Source: (FOB/ROC) SP-CMC-2 cardioids >
LB-1590011/14/23Brooklyn, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', Equipment: Sennheiser MKE
LB-1590111/14/23Brooklyn, New York  spot 24, a Spot Recording, Band Members, Bob Dylan
LB-1590211/15/23Brooklyn, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', Equipment: Sennheiser MKE
LB-1590311/15/23Brooklyn, New York  spot 24, a Spot Recording, Band Members, Bob Dylan
LB-1590411/16/23Brooklyn, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', Equipment: Sennheiser MKE
LB-1590511/19/23Philadelphia  spot 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members, Bob Dylan
LB-1590611/20/23Newark, New Jersey  spot 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members, Bob Dylan
LB-1590711/21/23Newark, New Jersey  spot 24, A Spot Recording, Band Members, Bob Dylan
LB-1591811/21/23Newark, New Jersey  nightly moth, A nightly moth recording, Recording
LB-1590811/24/23Baltimore  ca 14, CA-14 cards, Sony PCM-M10
LB-1593111/29/23Roanoke  nightly moth finbar, A "Nightly Moth" Recording,
LB-1591311/30/23Huntington, W.V.  csheb, Source: Core Sound HEBs (dpa 4061s) > C.S.
LB-1591912/2/23Richmond, Kentucky  at933, Taper: DK-WI, Recording: Audio-Technica
LB-1592012/3/23Evansville, Indiana  at933, Taper: DK-WI, Recording: Audio-Technica


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