Another one from my "to post" folder... I gotta get this stuff out before I run out of disc space, hope you don't mind Please note: This is a boot, it's not gonna be perfect. If you want perfect go to and do not download this. REPOST INFORMATION If you're missing parts of the show let me know by 2 p.m. pst otherwise it will have to wait till I get to work the next day. If you want a repost of segments email me (take out the AT before the @ out of the email address).. I may not see any text posted in this group With my posts please keep in mind (this applies to all my posts) I DO NOT do full song reposts. I will happily repost missing segments within reason (not 100 segments of a 130 segment post for example) Not my fault if you have a crummy server.. attbi is a crummy server so it doesn't count. I know, I use it too. I make sure the post is complete on Giganews before I delete the files.