============================================================= Author Topic: Clearing Up Some 1978 Recordings Attributed To Incorrect Dates bobaholic « on: Sat 2021-12-11, 00:03:48 am » LB-7736 is listed as 11/18/78 but is actually from 11/28/78 according to the 'BobTalk' at bjorner.com. The crowd noise also matches LB-7753 from 11/28/78. So there should only be two distinct recordings at LB for 11/18/78: LB-4886 & LB-15353. LB-2499 is listed as 11/28/78 but is actually from 11/29/78 according to the 'BobTalk' at bjorner.com. The crowd noise also matches the 3 entries listed for 11/29/78 which are all from same recording. So there should only be one recording at LB for 11/28/78: LB-7736/LB-7753. ============================================================= mixedup « Reply #4 on: Sun 2021-12-19, 18:48:23 pm » regarding LB-7736 , I'm fairly sure the recording is from Tempe staring at 19 Girl from the North Country to the end. this is from Tempe: Thank you! Ladies and gentlemen, on the drums tonight, give him a warm hand, Ian Wallace! On the bass guitar, Jerry Scheff. On the keyboards, from the Bahamas, the one and only Alan Pasqua! On the lead guitar, the oldest member of this group, born in 1921, ladies and gentlemen, Billy Cross. All right, over on rhythm guitar, he's from Bogota, doesn't speak any English, but he plays his heart out, doesn't he? Ladies and gentlemen, Steven Soles. He's looking for a woman! On the violin and the mandolin, the youngest member of this group, fifteen years old, been with me now for five years, he doesn't smoke dope, drink whiskey or go out with women or… never been to school. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. David Mansfield! He's learning to have a good time. On the tenor saxophone, a real legend in his own lifetime. I really can't even begin to tell you all the things this man has done, ladies and gentlemen, the phenomenal Steve Douglas! On the backup vocals, three girls now I just couldn't do without. They make me sound so good don't they? Anyway, my ex-girlfriend on the right, Jo Ann Harris. My new girlfriend, in the middle, Helena Springs. And on the other side, my fiancée, Carolyn Dennis. All right, from Detroit on the conga drums, the most amazing Ms. Bobbye Hall. All right, we're going to get out of here real soon. (before "It's Alright, Ma (I'm only Bleeding)") ============================================================= LesKokay « Reply #6 on: Mon 2022-02-28, 02:39:57 am » Just to confirm these findings (thanks to the findings of bobaholic) I located the various sources and transcribed (or checked) the geek ramble (before Thin Man) Tempe 18 Nov 78 BobTalk (same as Tempe 1978-11-18 DS Archive) - You know in the Midwest in the 50’s they had these carnivals come through town. Most of the big carnivals had somebody they used to call a geek. And you know what a geek is? I'll tell you what a geek is. A geek is somebody who's down on his luck and takes a job in a sideshow. He bites the head off a chicken and he eats it. And he eats the rest of the chicken too, live. Anyway this geek was telling me once, I asked ...how can you do this kind of thing man?... Well, he didn't really get tight with anybody, but he did tell me one thing. He always used to consider other people who were looking at him as pretty freaky. And that has helped me out a lot as I have gone through life...Germany New York, LA (before Ballad Of A Thin Man) Jackson 28 Nov 78 Bobtalk when I was growing up in the mid 50's... Carnivals used to come to town... everytime they would have... You know what a geek is? A man who eats a live chicken.. bites the head off, eats that, eats the rest of the hot blood.. sweeps it up with a broom sweeps all the feathers away. Anyway it costs about a quarter to see him. He didn't have too many friends in this carnival.. kept to himself most of them let him, keep to himself I was having lunch one day with the bearded lady.. and she's telling me that this man, recognizes me, considers everyone to come to see him very freaky Anyway I remember that as I travelled here and there (before Ballad Of A Thin Man) Baton Rouge 29 Nov 78 BobTalk: - You remember those carnivals that they used to have? Always coming through. At least they did to in the 50's. And every one used to have, what they called a geek. You know what a geek is? A man who would eat a live chicken. He'd bite the head off, eat that. The he eats the rest of it. Eats it all. Sweeps the feathers up with a broom. Cost in them days a quarter to see him. Anyway, most people coming, you know, they'd insults to him and (....). Anyway, I was having breakfast one day with the bearded lady and she told me that he wasn't funky, he's low down, low down as it gets, but .... Anyway, she said he was mighty strange because he considered other people to be rather strange and freaky. Anyway, that used to give me kind of a lot of encouragement as I traveled around the world. (before Ballad Of A Thin Man) Jackson 1978-11-28 (LB-2499) is confirmed as actually Baton Rouge 29 Nov 78 Tempe 1978-11-18 (LB-7736) is confirmed as actually Jackson 28 Nov 78 Tempe 1978-11-18 (DS archive) is correct Jackson 7753 is correct Baton Rouge 6412 is correct (as is the one great unknown>me>you lineage) Thus I apologize to all that my torrent many years ago of the 1978 tour contains these two errors that I've only just found out about. ps see the recent oscar nominated film 'Nightmare Alley' for more info on a 'geek'. ============================================================= mixedup « Reply #8 on: Sun 2022-03-06, 11:10:58 am » Many thanks for checking those out, Les! Here's my transcript of Tempe 1978: You know, back in the Midwest in the 50's they used to have these carnivals that came through town. Most of the big carnivals used to have somebody they used to call a geek. And you know what a geek is? I'll tell you what a geek is. A geek is someone who's so low down on his luck he takes a job in a sideshow, he bites the head off a chicken and he eats it. And then he eats the rest of the chicken too, alive. Anyway, this geek was telling me once, I asked him "how can you do this kind of thing, man?" Well, he didn't really get tight with anybody, but he did tell me one thing. He always used to consider other people who were looking at him as pretty freaky. And that has helped me out a lot as I have gone through life in… from Germany and New York, L.A., Hong Kong. (before "Ballad of a Thin Man") ============================================================= mixedup « Reply #9 on: Mon 2022-03-07, 14:58:09 pm » LB-2499 "baton rouge" please note tracks 24-30 are from Jackson, Mississippi, do compare tracks with LB-07753 The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978 on LB-07753: Thank you! I wrote this new song from the Book of Revelations. (near the start of "All along the Watchtower") 24 All along the Watchtower The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978 on LB-07753: Thank you, that was David Mansfield on "All along the Watchtower" on the smoking violin. (after "All along the Watchtower") 25 All I Really Want to Do 26 Band Introduction The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978 on LB-07753 Thank you! Ladies and gentlemen, on the drums tonight, give him a warm hand, Ian Wallace, from Kingston, Jamaica. On the bass guitar, Mr. Jerry Scheff. On the keyboards, Alan… Pasqua. On lead guitar, Billy Cross. On the violin and the mandolin, electric lead guitar sometimes, the baby, youngest member of this group, he's been with me now for five years, he's only fifteen years old. Doesn't smoke dope, drink whiskey or chase women. All that's going to change tonight, however. Mr. David Mansfield! All right, on the rhythm guitar, a young man I picked up as a defector from East Germany, not too long ago. Ladies and gentlemen, he doesn't speak any English, but he plays his heart out, doesn't he? Steven Soles. On the tenor saxophone, a young man who's a legend in his own lifetime. He er… he used to play one time with Duane Eddy. Does anybody remember Duane Eddy? He also has played on many of Phil Spector’s greatest records. Ladies and gentlemen, the phenomenal Steve Douglas! On the background vocals tonight… on the back… on the background vocals tonight, three young ladies who I know make me sound so good. I know I don't have the greatest voice in the world, but these girls do make me sound better than I usually do. Anyway, on the right, Jo Ann Harris. In the middle Helena Springs. On the other side, Ms Carolyn Dennis. On the conga drums, from Detroit, the most amazing Ms Bobbye Hall. I want to thank you for coming out, I ain't ready to be put out to pasture yet myself, so we may be back sometime in the near future. (before "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)") 27 It's Alright, Ma (I'm only Bleeding) The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978 on LB-07753: Thank you, we're going to have to move now, we got to go. We'd like to stay and play all night, we really would. Boy, we'd surely love to. Anyway, this is one I wrote for one of my babies when he… when he was a baby. He's not here, he's not a baby anymore, he's not here, but I want to play it anyway. Ha ha ha! (before "Forever Young") The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978: 28 Forever Young - audience Thank you! Goodnight! Goodnight, thank you! (near the end of "Forever Young") (encore) 29 -audience- 30 Changing of the Guards The Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, 28 November 1978: All right! Goodnight! Long live Dixie! (near the end of "Changing of the Guards") =============================================================