Bob Dylan, 4/19/91, New Orleans, Louisiana, Saenger Theater, 2CDR LB-3214, (45min+37min), version "a"; first show of tour. pretty rough recording, i've done some editing to lower the 'booming' bass., a request to replace a lost collection of "shows i've been to"; bittorrent download 09/05; does not have much above 18k; different recording than LB-860 based on lack of clapping at d1t10 0:47 although much of the crowd background talking seems similar; this recording is not missing part of the begin of d1t10; however this recording has a lot more hiss and is harder to listen to (did not listen to all of this one) 1. New Morning, 2. Lay Lady Lay, 3. All Along The Watchtower, 4. The Man In Me, 5. Gotta Serve Somebody, 6. Wiggle Wiggle, 7. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, 8. Trail Of The Buffalo (trad. arr. Woody Guthrie), 9. Desolation Row, 10. Bob Dylan's Dream, 11. Everything Is Broken, 12. Man In The Long Black Coat, 13. Seeing The Real You At Last, 14. Shooting Star, 15. I Shall Be Released, 16. Like A Rolling Stone, 17. Blowin' In The Wind, 18. Maggie's Farm Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates