Bob Dylan, 7/29/03, Sunrise, FL, Office Depot Center, 1CDR LB-3548, (20min), Source: FOB B&K 4023's -> Modified Sonosax pre-amp->Apogee MiniMe -> Sony Vaio/SoundForge 6 via SIRMick>CD>EAC, CD>CD Wave 1.94>WAV>mwkAC>SHN; bittorrent download 02/06; very similar sound to bk4024; excellent sound [A-] 04. > *Alabama Getaway, 05. *It's All Over Now Baby Blue, 06. *West L.A. Fadaway > Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates