Bob Dylan, 12/9/78, Columbia, South Carolina, Carolina Coliseum, 2CDR LB-4629, (79min+73min), version "b"; Taper: BS, Source: Flac files from taper, Equipment: "Taped using a 3-head portable cassette recorder and electret condenser mic which, was possibly above-average equipment for the typical audience stealth taper in those days.", *Stereo master cassettes* (source for filler tracks on CD: Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte)., Remastered to DAT.; bittorrent download 03/07; not mucgh above 19k; has lego parapets; close eac match to LB-247; ; (did not listen to all of this) Disk One, My Back Pages (instrumental), She's Love Crazy, Mr. Tambourine Man, Shelter From The Storm, Love Minus Zero - No Limit, Tangled Up In Blue, Ballad Of A Thin Man, Maggie's Farm, I Don't Believe You, Like A Rolling Stone, I Shall Be Released, Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power), The Times They Are A-Changin', Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35, It Ain't Me, Babe (acoustic), Disk Two, Am I Your Stepchild?, One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below), Blowin' In The Wind, Girl From The North Country, Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat), Masters Of War, Just Like A Woman, All Along The Watchtower, To Ramona, It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), Forever Young, Changing Of The Guards Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates