Bob Dylan, 1/22/80, Denver, Colorado, 1CDR LB-7952, (42min), lk 80 series; PA recording, Source: my tape (superior to any bootlegs); bittorrent download 09/09; in comparison to LB-3586 this is harsher but not as harsh as LB-1669; (did not listen to all of this) drops between tracks 1. When He Returns, 2. Man Gave Names To All The Animals, 3. Precious Angel, 4. Slow Train (inc), [Covenant Woman - missing], 5. Walk Around Heaven - CDennis (inc), 6. Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking, 7. Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others), 8. Solid Rock, 9. Saving Grace (inc) Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates