Bob Dylan, 4/27/80, Albany, New York, Palace Theater, 2CDR LB-8243, (67min+67min), lk 80 series, Source: my Tape. Excellent Sound COMPLETE concert recording.; bittorrent download 12/09; looks like noise reduction was used; in comparison to LB-4075, this has less hiss but is more muffled and less natual sounding; (did not listen to all of this) drop/cut between cdrs CD1 Story, If I Got a Ticket Lord, Hold On, It's Gonna Rain, Show Me The Way, Do Lord Remember Me, Freedom At The wall, This Train is Bound for Glory - all backing group, Gotta Serve Somebody, I Believe in You, When You Gonna Wake Up?, Ain't Gonna Go To Hell, Cover Down, Break Through, Precious Angel, Man Gave Names To All The Animals, CD2 Slow Train, Calvery - Clydie King, Ain't No Man Rightous - Regina Havis, Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others), Solid Rock, Saving Grace, Saved, What Can I Do For You?, In The Garden, (band intro), Are You Ready?, Pressing On Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates