Bob Dylan, 6/11/10, Prague, Czech Republic, O2 Arena, 2CDR LB-8726, (72min+40min), sp cmc 25 romeo;, Audience recording, SP-CMC-25 > SP-SPSB-10 > Microtrack II (44100 16bit) > CD Wave > Cool Edit, taper: romeo; bittorrent download 06/10 Disc One, 1 Intro, 2 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, 3 Lay, Lady, Lay, 4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 5 Just Like A Woman, 6 Beyond Here Lies Nothin', 7 Shelter From The Storm, 8 Honest With Me, 9 Mr. Tambourine Man, 10 Cold Irons Bound, 11 Workingman's Blues #2, 12 Highway 61 Revisited, Disc Two, 13 I Feel A Change Comin' On, 14 Thunder On The Mountain, 15 Ballad Of A Thin Man, 16 (encore break), 17 Like A Rolling Stone, 18 Jolene, 19 Band intros, 20 All Along The Watchtower Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates