Bob Dylan, 6/13/84, West Berlin, West Germany, 1CDR LB-9278, (20min), version "d", partial; Referring to Torrent uploaded yesterday:-, #353154 BOB DYLAN - 1984-06-13 WEST BERLIN, W GERMANY (AUD from sliver CDs), Taking the concert from the Watchtower CDs 'Just the Girls' meant that 'It ain't Me, babe', the second song from Bob's solo set, was ommited. The Last three tracks on the CD are listed as:-, -Tangled up in Blue, -It ain't Me, Babe, -It's Alright Ma, but they are in fact, - Greg Sutton - Just My Imagination, - Tangled up in Blue (Bob ), - It's Alright Ma (Bob), The artwork for the CD was wrong and subsequently the information I provided in the torrent., I am now uploading the three song Bob solo set for completeness. This was taken from my original received cassette tapes, Xfered via MDSP > CDR > flac 8, My apologies for the error. I hope I have not caused too much inconvenience --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 04/11; has nothing above 16k except lego parapets; different recording than fendert LB-1830 and sm LB-3923 based on different crowd on beginning of t10; recorder seemed close to sm LB-3923 since shares a lot of same crowd but has differences; in comparison to sm LB-3923, this has a little fuller more natural sound and has more hiss while that is a little warmer; fendert LB-1830 was the harshest narrowest sound and then bootleg LB-6754 (did not listen to all of this) --------------------------------------------------- Track 9 Bob Dylan - Tangled Up in Blue, Track 10 Bob Dylan - It Aint' Me Babe, Track 11 Bob Dylan - It's Alright Ma --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates