Bob Dylan, 10/25/11, Mannheim, GER, 2CDR LB-9960, (76min+20min), csheb edirol, Source Info:, Matched DPA4060s, > Core Sound HEB BBox (filter), > Ediral R-09HR, > FLAC, Running time: 96' --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 03/12; cdr split not specified; in 3-way comparison this seemed a little more distant and echoey than LTD LB-9792 and ccm4 hhtfp LB-9701; (did not listen to all of this) --------------------------------------------------- CD1 leopard-skin pill-box hat, the times they are a-changin, things have changed, mississippi, john brown, spirit on the water, summer days, desolation row, highway 61 revisited, forgetful heart, thunder on the mountain, CD2 ballad of a thin man, all along the watchtower, like a rolling stone --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates