Bob Dylan, 3/3/04, St. Louis, Missouri, 2CDR LB-10240, (54min+52min), schubert asm --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 06/12; same recording as sullylove LB-9255 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t2; in comparison this has levels raises and is more compressed and made harsher; (did not listen to all of this) --------------------------------------------------- drop/cut between cdrs, d2t5 6:53 not in music --------------------------------------------------- CD1 9 intro1. Tombstone Blues, 2. Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power), 3. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, 4. Love Minus Zero/No Limit, 5. High Water (for Charlie Patton), 6. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine), 7. Tell Me That It Isn't True, 8. Highway 61 Revisited, 9. Girl From The North Country, CD2 10. Cold Irons Bound, 11. Every Grain Of Sand, 12. Honest With Me, 13. Saving Grace, 14. Summer Days, 15. Cat's In The Well, 16. Like A Rolling Stone, 17. All Along The Watchtower --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates