Bob Dylan, 7/7/14, Rostock, Germany, LB-11565, (110min), olympus aws4you frontend edit 2 48k, Recorded with Olympus DM-901 built-in mics, compression correction, track split with AWS4YOU, flac conversion FLAC frontend --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 07/14;sounds and looks like may be recorded with autoleveler; (did not listen to all of this) (a bittorrent from 07/14 prior to this is same recording at 44k with similar wav and spectral view except has slightly lower levels so does not clip as much with same digital flaws; flacs decoded to nonstandard wavs with bad wav chunk length; flac files had wrong embedded flac checksum of all zeroes; described as "Recorded with Olympus DM-901 built-in mics, automatic correction, track split & flac, converstion with AWS4YOU," with filenames like "01 Things Have Changed.flac"; xref-01462) --------------------------------------------------- 01 Things Have Changed, 02 She Belongs To Me, 03 Beyond Here Lies Nothin, 04 Workingmans Blues, 05 Waiting For You, 06 Duquesne Whistle, 07 Pay In Blood, 08 Tangled Up In Blue, 09 Love Sick, 10 High Water, 11 Simple Twist Of Fate, 12 Early Roman Kings, 13 Forgetful Heart, 14 Spirit On The Water, 15 Scarlet Town, 16 Soon After Midnight, 17 Long And Wasted Years, 18 encore, 19 All Along The Watchtower, 20 Blowin In The Wind --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates