BOB DYLAN & his band Concert Hall Sydney Opera House Sydney, New South Wales Australia 8 September 2014 (show 5 of 5 in Sydney) Act I 1. intro 2. Things Have Changed 3. She Belongs To Me 4. Beyond Here Lies Nothin' 5. Workingman’s Blues #2 6. Waiting For You 7. Duquesne Whistle 8. Pay In Blood 9. Tangled Up In Blue 10. Love Sick - intermission - Act II 11. intro 12. High Water (For Charley Patton) 13. Simple Twist Of Fate 14. Early Roman Kings 15. Forgetful Heart 16. Spirit On The Water 17. Scarlet Town 18. Soon After Midnight 19. Long And Wasted Years encore 20. All Along The Watchtower 21. Blowin' In The Wind ==== recording details- taper: audiowhore source: CA-11s > CA-9100 > Sony PCM-M10 (recorded at 24/48) transfer: SD card > PC > WAV (24bit/48kHz) > Audition (edit, hard limiting on obtrusive applause) > Sampling rate convert to 16/44 > TLH > flac8 taping location: 10th row, in front of Bob's piano ======== * for LJK, soomlos, spot, Hide, JTT and Sullylove. it's a privilege to know you and stand in your shadows. * thank you to all who taped and shared any shows from this New Zealand / Australia 2014 leg. * for Martin Barrack ======== The two encore songs were played in a new arrangement than what has been standard over the last few years. Bob came straight out to centre-stage for Watchtower (no piano) and played a lot of harmonica as well. BITW was also different musically and Bob's vocal melody. I think that this 'change' was a bit of a joke from Bob to the fans at this last show in Australia 2014. Rather than play any different songs he played these two most famous songs in this set differently. The band, in particular Tony, were laughing through these two songs. ======== From Bob's previous Australian tour in 2011, there are four shows where no audio recordings have ever circulated- 17 April 2011 - Fremantle 20 April 2011 - Melbourne 21 April 2011 - Melbourne 23 April 2011 - Wollongong Also, from the 2014 Australian tour, no recordings from the 3 Perth shows have emerged. Does anyone know people in these areas who may have taped these shows and never shared them? Please ask them and let me know of any positive news. ======== I can upload this to other sites so please do not post this elsewhere unless you have asked and received my permission first. I prefer that my recordings are not circulated as mp3s and also that this info file be retained with this recording. Not for sale Support Bob by going to the shows and buying official releases. ========