Bob Dylan, 12/14/97, Chicago, IL, 2CDR LB-13160, (77min+34min), jeff t dolphinsmile, First two sons are David Bromberg, Taped by Jeff T with Dat recorder and Schoeps Mics>Clone sent to me in 12/1997>file cloned to Microtrack, using a Tascam dat deck>Goldwave tracking and bumping volume on last 3 tracks>TLH8, Taper was inconvenienced by security and was unable to tape the last three songs. I tacked the last three, songs from a different dat clone. Will up that second clone next., Dolphinsmile: Producer, Dolphinsmile: Arranger, courtesy of the Dolphinsmile Archive --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 12/17; cdr split not specified; this is same recording as LB-3755 based on same clapping wavs at end of t2 with wavs inverted; that looks like it has a cassete generation in it and sounds a little more muffled; this has beginning of t3 missing and the first 2 bromberg tracks like on that one; in comparison LB-3557 is harsher and tinnier and this is warner fuller with more bass; (did not listen to all of this) --------------------------------------------------- Maggie's Farm, Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You, Cold Irons Bound, Simple Twist Of Fate, Can't Wait, Silvio, Roving Gambler, To Ramona, Tangled Up In Blue, Ragtime Annie, It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry, Joey, E: Till I Fell In Love With You, Don't Think Twice It's All Right, Love Sick, Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35, Comment, With David Bromberg --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates