Bob Dylan, 7/5/19, Hamburg, LB-15104, rc 427a aud bmc 10 ls11 24, Note/Contrast Clause, this is the 24/96 version, *, taped by: RCM, uploaded by: RCM, size: 2,24 gb, time: 1 h: 48 m: 19 s, RC.427a_aud.bmc-10.ls11.flac.24-96, SP-BMC-10 > SP-SPSB-11 > Olympus LS-11 24bit/96khz >, Secure Digital SD-card>USB2.0 Interface>soundforge/audioedit>Wav-Splitter>flac.frontend lev.8>flac --------------------------------------------------- bittorrent download 1/21 did not review this --------------------------------------------------- SETLIST (108:19), =======, 01. Things Have Changed, 02. It Ain't Me, Babe, 03. Highway 61 Revisited, 04. Simple Twist Of Fate, 05. Can't Wait, 06. When I Paint My Masterpiece, 07. Honest With Me, 08. Tryin' To Get To Heaven, 09. Scarlet Town, 10. Make You Feel My Love, 11. Pay In Blood, 12. Like A Rolling Stone, 13. Early Roman Kings, 14. Girl From The North Country, 15. Love Sick, 16. Thunder On The Mountain, 17. Soon After Midnight, 18. Gotta Serve Somebody, //, 19. -audience-, 20. Blowin' In The Wind, 21. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry --------------------------------------------------- Please retain this info file and its LB number as a marker for this lossless set and if you spread it please list it in the description to avoid others getting duplicates