'Three Little Words' written by Julia Biel Performed live on 10th July at Schloßplatz, Stuttgart for Jazzopen Festival 2019 Released to Youtube by kind permission from Jazzopen https://www.jazzopen.com/ http://www.juliabiel.com/ 'Three Little Words' studio recording forms part of Julia Biel's 'Black and White' series Buy/Stream 'Three Little Words': https://fanlink.to/bT5f Follow Julia on Spotify for more songs in the series: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0yVDB69ZMFp6w9iSKXz4J9 https://www.instagram.com/juliabiel/ https://www.facebook.com/juliabielmusic/ THREE LITTLE WORDS It’s not as if I picked you out To teach me what life’s all about Heaven knows you tripped me up at every turn But I tried to set aside all my concerns And comfort you with those three little words Insults tripping off your tongue Raining down like blows they’d come People say we get what we deserve Well it was my mistake to stay and hold my nerve I guess I longed to hear those three little words I felt at times I was made of glass Would surely break but still I last Still somehow living in reverse How was it everything I said just made you worse Lost in the wind, those three little words It’s sticks and stones will break your bones That’s how the saying goes But you didn’t need no sticks and stones to make me hurt Oh I’ve barely started knowing what I learnt Chasing those three little words Even bowing out you first made sure Your legacy would be secure You left your little soldiers in reserve Like little vials of vitriol preserved Poisoned by those three little words Right at the end you looked at me Mustering every final bit of energy And then with timing most absurd You whispered and no question what occurred I heard I heard I heard those three little words