BOB DYLAN Charlotte Coliseum Charlotte, North Carolina December 10th 1978 SOURCE: LB-4625 Download Flac Files (Taper: RS) > TLH > Soundforge 10c *** > TLH Flac Level 8 *** Track 01 - Fade in Track 03 - Fix Gap at 00.34 Track 06 - Removed Loud Shout at 00.09 Remove Gap between Tracks 08 and 09 Track 12 - Remove Loud Crack/Bang 00.28 Remove Gap between Tracks 12 and 13 Remove Gap between Tracks 15 and 16 Remove Gap between Tracks 20 and 21 Track 26 - Fix Gap at 05.55 Track 27 - Fade Out No changes to Sound, Pitch or Speed (These are Not Necessary) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TAPER NOTES: Equipment: "Taped using a 3-head portable cassette recorder and electret condenser mic which was possibly above-average equipment for the typical audience stealth taper in those days." From taper's master list: Dec 10, 1978 --- CHARLOTTE, NC --- Tape --- C-127, C-128, C-129 >> DAT D-78-12 >> CD-78-31, 32 (27 songs; complete) --- backup on MD-78-3, MD-78-4, MD-78-5 These are *stereo master cassettes* . D-78-12 is the master for the 12/10/78 show on CD: Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. As of Aug. 2005, this show has been newly remastered to CDr from the original master cassettes. Of course, my Charlotte recording has been commercially booted (and Knoxville 2/5 too), but the quality of the raw (undoctored) transfers tends to beat the bootleg discs by quite a ways. I recently did a new transfer (via improved equipment & connections) to CDr from the original Charlotte Maxell cassettes which are still in surprisingly good condition, and that one sounds best ever. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01. MY BACK PAGES (INSTRUMENTAL) 02. SHE'S LOVE CRAZY 03. MR. TAMBOURINE MAN 04. SHELTER FROM THE STORM 05. LOVE MINUS ZERO - NO LIMIT 06. TANGLED UP IN BLUE 07. BALLAD OF A THIN MAN 08. MAGGIE'S FARM 09. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU 10. LIKE A ROLLING STONE 11. I SHALL BE RELEASED 12. SEŅOR (TALES OF YANKEE POWER) 13. THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 14. RAINY DAY WOMEN # 12 & 35 15. IT AIN'T ME, BABE (ACOUSTIC) 16. AM I YOUR STEPCHILD? 17. ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE (VALLEY BELOW) 18. BLOWIN' IN THE WIND 19. GIRL FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY 20. WE BETTER TALK THIS OVER 21. MASTERS OF WAR 22. JUST LIKE A WOMAN 23. ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER 24. TO RAMONA 25. IT'S ALRIGHT, MA (I'M ONLY BLEEDING) 26. FOREVER YOUNG 27. CHANGING OF THE GUARDS JTT December 2022