LosslessBob Bootleg CD - Song: - Mozambique
LosslessBob Bootleg CD - Song:
DateBootleg CD TitleCDTRLB#tuit94#
7/14/75Desire13 177
7/14/75Masterpieces34 177
1/23/76The Day before the Hurricane12LB-6720181
4/1/76Are you ready for the Carnival13LB-6721184
4/1/76The Days Before Hard Rain15LB-6722184
4/14/76Charlie's Choice115LB-6768181
5/1/76Highway 49 Revisited115LB-6723 
5/3/76Live at the Warehouse15LB-6725 
5/3/76Rolling Thunder Revue111LB-6726 
5/11/76Discover Broken12LB-6727 
5/16/76Hold the Fort for what its worth16LB-6728 
5/18/76Blood & Thunder13LB-6729 
5/23/76Like a Rolling Stone(The Hidden TV Shows)16LB-6730191