Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/13/87 | Torino, Italy | 1 | B+ | 70min |
from the cb master audience
(a bittorrent from 12/06 was a close eac match described as "Trade > CDR > Wav > FLAC(Level:8)")
(a bittorrent from 4/07 was a close eac match described as "CB Master>CDr(x)>EAC(secure)>FLAC(level8)>Dime");
(a bittorrent from 06/07 is same recording based on same background talking at begin of d1t2 but has more hiss and is more muffled; described as "Remastered by Captain Acid and Pink Robert" );
(a bittorrent from 02/10 is described the same as the 06/07 torrent; xref-00195);
(a bittorrent from 03/10 is a close eac match on d1t2 with same digital flaws; described as "DVD DATA DISC # 1; All recorded by CB" with filenames like "13sep87_101.shn; xref-00207")