Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/16/87 | Wembley Arena, London | 1 | A- | 66min |
from the cb master audience
(a bittorrent from 11/06 was a close eac match described as "CB master version > Trade > CDR > Wav > FLAC(Level:8), Same source as bouns track of "Final Night And More". The tape hiss is slightly higher than it though");
(a bittorrent from 07/07 is same recording based on same clapping at end of t1; has asymetrical wavs with bottom limited to -6db, harsher, and a little more hiss; described as "Remastered by Captain Acid and Pink Robert") (reported that cb did not tape the London shows);
(a bittorrent from 03/10 is a same recording with same wav and spectral view except higher levels and with same digital flaws plus lots of big digi-pops, square wavs, and drops on t13; described as "DVD DATA DISC # 4; All recorded by CB" with filenames like "16oct87_101.shn"; xref-00257)