LosslessBob LB-699
12/2/97Roxy, Atlanta, Georgia2B+73min +50min

very good to excellent sound, levels a little low, soundcheck is good sound and has a lot of clipping on d2t7, d2t8, d2t10; begin of d2t5 is missing
pop d1t1 4:14, d2t5 3:37; drops between cdrs
d1:, 1. Maggie's Farm, 2. Lay Lady Lay, 3. Cold Irons Bound, 4. You're A Big Girl Now, 5. Can't Wait, 6. Silvio, 7. Roving Gambler (acoustic w band), 8. One Too Many Mornings (acoustic w band), 9. Tangled Up In Blue (acoustic w band), 10. The White Dove (acoustic w band), 11. 'Til I Fell In Love With You, 12. Highway 61 Revisited, d2:, 1. Like A Rolling Stone, 2. It Ain't Me, Babe (acoustic w band), 3. Love Sick, 4. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35, Soundchecks (acoustic w band) (23 minutes):, 5. (Kiss Me Good Night?), 6. The White Dove, 7. ? instrumental, 8. The White Dove, 9. ? instrumental, 10. ? Instrumental
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