LosslessBob LB-1008
5/13/03Cary, North Carolina, Amphitheatre at Regency Park2B64min+48min

From Section 4, Row F > Sony MZ-R55 with Sony ECM-MS907 mic >, CDR with optical line > WAV with EAC in secure mode w/ correct, offset > Quick filter with CE2000 to adjust bass, treble and, master gain > CD Wave to cut tracks > CE2000 to fade in/out, each disc > shntool to fix sector boundaries > shorten > shn

downloaded from a.b.m.s.d. 05/03, very good sound, some occasional crowd noise, gets harsh with distortion on loud songs such as d2t4, d2t6; not much above 16k with lego parapets;

(a bittorrent from 05/10 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same plus more digital flaws like a drop at d2t8 2:49 and some digi-pops; descrbed as "Unknown rec. very good sound, Some distortion and crowd noise all recording long" with filenames like "D_1\Track01.flac"; xref-00378)

drop/cut between cdrs

1 intro 2 Maggie's Farm (Bob on piano), 3 Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With Youe, (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel), 4 Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano), 5 Just Like A Woman (Bob on piano, Larry on pedal steel), 6 Things Have Changed (Bob on piano), 7 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (acoustic) (Bob on piano and harp), 8 Cold Irons Bound (Bob on piano), 9 Watching The River Flow (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on slide guitar), 10 Love Sick (Bob on piano), 11 Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano),


1 Knockin' On Heaven's Door (acoustic) (Bob and Larry on acoustic guitars, Tony on standup bass, Freddie on electric guitar, Donna and Vicki from the Waifs on backup vocals), 2 Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), 3 Floater (Too Much To Ask), (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass, Freddie on violin), 4 Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass), 5 (encore), 6 Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on piano), 7 All Along The Watchtower (Bob on piano), 8 crowd

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