Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/9/78 | Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, NY | 2 | B- | 76min+70min |
ver. 1.00, Source: Master Audience Tape -> CDR, Project '78 by Jason Hart (,; Notes: The very beginning of LARS is clipped. There is a non-destructive edit between Blowin' and Girl., There are non-destructive edits between It's Alright Ma and Forever Young and Forever Young and Changing., Editing: Removed a couple of scattered pops
good to very good sound;(a bittorrent from 06/07 was a close eac match on d1t5 described as "Trade CD > EAC > FLAC > HD > Hungercity > You")
(a bittorrent from 05/13 seems derived from this version with levels raised so clips a lot more and tone changed to make harsher and increase hiss with same digital flaws; described as "Remaster, analog master audience recording>CD-R>remastered/EQ'D with Amadeus Pro>xAct>Flac, Another request from my analog masters collection.Slight EQ to help this recording out just a bit. I have acquired several copies of this tape source over the years and many higher generation copies circulate at the wrong speed. This copy from master needs no such speed correction.Samples provided.Great show. Enjoy!" with filenames like "bd1978-10-09-d1t1.flac"; xref-01209)
drop d1t10 0:00, between cdrs, d2t5 0:00, d2t7 0:00, d2t9 0:00, d2t12 0:00, d2t13 0:00; discontinuities between tracks; analog drop left channel d1t1 1:21
Disc 1:, 1. My Back Pages (Instrumental), 2. I'm Ready, 3. Is Your Love In Vain?, 4. Shelter From The Storm, 5. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 6. Tangled Up In Blue, 7. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 8. Maggie's Farm, 9. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Met), 10. Like A Rolling Stone, 11. I Shall Be Released, 12. Going, Going, Gone, 13. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later), 14. It Ain't Me, Babe (Acoustic), 15. Am I Your Stepchild?, Disc 2:, 1. One More Cup Of Coffee, 2. Blowin' In The Wind, 3. Girl Of The North Country, 4. Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat), 5. Masters Of War, 6. Just Like A Woman, 7. To Ramona, 8. All Along The Watchtower, 9. All I Really Want To Do, 10. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), 11. Forever Young, 12. Changing Of The Guards
lbdir-bd78-10-09 Buffalo.txt
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Year 1978
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