LosslessBob LB-1158
8/9/03Holmdel, NJ, PNC Bank Center2A-80min+13min

6th row center

excellent sound, background talking d1t9

(a bittorrent from 04/12 is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1 but has nothing above 16k except lego parapets with levels raised so clips plus some digipops; torrented with 8/10/03 LB-1241 xref-01020 and described as "recieved this shows in 2003 on CD-Rs from a very good friend., Trade CD-Rs -> EAC (secure mode) => Traders Littlke Helper, => FLAC Level 8 => you!" with filenames like "Disc 1\01-Bob Dylan-2003-08-09_101.flac"; xref-01019)

drop/cut between cdrs

1 Silvio (Bob on piano), 2 If You See Her, Say Hello (Bob on piano and harp), 3 Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano), 4 Joey (Bob on piano and harp), 5 Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano), 6 It Ain't Me, Babe (acoustic) (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on cittern), 7 A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (acoustic) (Bob on piano, Larry on cittern), 8 Drifter's Escape (Bob on piano and harp), 9 Can't Wait (Bob on piano), 10 Watching The River Flow (Bob on piano and harp), 11 Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), 12 Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass, Tommy Morrongiello on guitar),


1 (encore), Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Bob on piano, Mike Campbell on guitar, Benmont Tench on piano, Tom Petty on guitar and vocals), 2 All Along The Watchtower (Bob on piano and harp, Mike Campbell on guitar, Benmont Tench on piano, Tom Petty on guitar and vocals)

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Year 2003
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