LosslessBob LB-1366
11/10/03Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands2A67min+54min

source: MK4v>SX-M2>SBM1 (24 bit)>D100

excellent sound ( a very close match in eac was posted to abmsd 5/05 with jpg cover dylanvine dv 581/582);

(a bittorrent from 01/09 is a close eac match on d1t1; described as "Direct from my Harddics a great 2003 show., What I have is what you get, Enjoy!, HD>TLH>HC>YOU" with filenames like "Disc 1\dylan_101103_d1t01.flac")

(a bittorrent from 07/12 is a close eac match on d1t2 with same digital flaws; torrented by dolphinsmile with torrent description of "this was taped if memory serves by a fellow from the USA who was partial to amsterdam im almost certain it was done with Neummans. in any event a great sounding show clone from his master" and with a generic info file with filenames like "disc 1\01 Track01.flac"; xref-01112)

crowd noise d1t2 4:45, d1t8 4:22, d1t11 0:36; drop/cut between cdrs
Disc 1, 1. intro, 2. Down Along The Cove (Bob on piano), 3. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on electric bass), 4. Cry A While (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), 5. Desolation Row (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on acoustic guitar, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on electric bass), 6. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on cittern, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on electric bass), 7. Girl Of The North Country (acoustic) (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on acoustic guitar, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on standup bass), 8. Things Have Changed (Bob on piano), 9. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano, Freddy on slide guitar), 10. Bye And Bye (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass), 11. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano), Disc 2, 1. Love Minus Zero/No Limit (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel, Freddy on acoustic guitar, Tony on electric bass), 2. Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), 3. Every Grain Of Sand (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on pedal steel), 4. Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass), 5. Cat's In The Well (Bob on piano), 6. Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on piano), 7. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on piano and harp)
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