LosslessBob LB-1470
11/25/03London, England, Brixton Academy2A77min+33min

BOOTLEG: Tour of London 2003 Vol. 2; Doberman

excellent sound; similar in sound quality to others but I still preferred the sound on tyrus recording;

(a bittorrent from 10/07 was a sort of close eac match on d1t1 described as "Trade CDRs > xACT > wav > flac level 8 > HC")

(a bittorrent from 03/12 is a close eac match on d1t2 with same digital flaws; described as "unknown rec, very good sound" with filenames like "Disc 1\01 Audio Track.flac"; xref-00990)

Disc 1:, 1. Intro, 2. The Wicked Messenger (Bob on piano), 3. Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread (Bob on piano), 4. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano), 5. Blind Willie McTell (Bob on piano, Larry on cittern), 6. Tangled Up In Blue (Bob on piano, Larry on acoustic guitar, Tony on electric bass), 7. Million Miles (Bob on piano), 8. Boots Of Spanish Leather (acoustic) (Bob on piano and harp, Larry on cittern, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on standup bass), 9. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano, Freddy on slide guitar), 10. Love Sick (Bob on piano), 11. Jokerman (Bob on piano), 12. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (acoustic) (Bob on piano, Larry on, cittern, Freddy on acoustic guitar, Tony on standup bass), 13. Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), Disc 2: 1. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (Bob on piano, Larry on acoustic guitar, Freddy on electric guitar, Tony on standup bass), 2. Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass), (encore), 3. Cat's In The Well (Bob on piano), 4. Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on piano), 5. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on piano)
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