LosslessBob LB-2202
2/6/66Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh, PA1D47min

Flac files, Audience recording, originally posted by pjl to alt.binaries.music.shn around August 2002, These were posted as SHN files. I decoded them to WAV and encocded them to FLAC 1.1.1 with some simple tags., I changed the filenames and created an md5 file and a Flac fingerprint file (FFP.txt)., NOTES FROM POSTER:, None, NOTES FROM OLOF's SETLISTS:, Incomplete mono audience recording, 45 minutes.

bittorrent download 11/04; poor sound [D], strong hiss and some surface noise like sound especially on t7; compared to bootleg Jewels an Binoculars,this one has hiss but also probably did not have some of the fidelity stripped along with the hiss, but most will prefer bootleg without hiss and surface noise
1. She Belongs To Me, 2. To Ramona, 3. Visions Of Johanna, 4. Desolation Row [most of song is missing], 5. Love Minus Zero/No Limit, 6. Mr. Tambourine Man, 7. Positively 4th Street, 8. Like A Rolling Stone
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Year 1966
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