LosslessBob LB-2227
8/3/03Float Rite Amphitheater, Somerset, Wisconsin1A76min

Neumann KM140 cardioid pair> Beyer MV-100 preamp > Sony SBM-1 (Oade mod)> Sony TCD-D100, 10th row, 6 seats right of dead center ORTF in mesh hat w/ modified schoeps windscreens, Protools v4.1.1 was used to fix several spots of noise on one channel by "monoing" it, and for SRC from the original 48KHz to 44.1 KHz for CD's., 100% Digital signal chain from the SBM through transcription

bittorrent download 12/04; excellent sound [A]; a little background talking on t6, more on t8; in comparison to B&K 4023 version, this one seems fuller and slightly better sound but this one does have flaws that were not corrected but could be;

(a bittorrent from 01/09 has matching flac fingerprints; described as "originally recorded directly to DAT at 48 kHz from 10th row, 6 seats right of dead center, a few minor bump sounds on t06, and what seems to be a brief cut, sound is excellent at first, but gets a little wind-blown as the set progresses" and with same filenames)(Opened for The Dead), Neumann KM140 cardioid pair> Beyer MV-100 preamp > Sony SBM-1 (Oade mod)> Sony TCD-D100, 10th row, 6 seats right of dead center ORTF in mesh hat w/ modified schoeps windscreens, Protools v4.1.1 was used to fix several spots of noise on one channel by "monoing" it, and for SRC from the original 48KHz to 44.1 KHz for CD's., 100% Digital signal chain from the SBM through transcription

mic noise t1 1:21, 1:36, 1:37, 2:05, t2 1:28, t5 2:15; drop end of t1
1. Silvio (Bob on piano), 2. If You See Her, Say Hello (Bob on piano and harp), 3. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on piano), 4. Watching The River Flow (Bob on piano and harp), 5. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on piano), 6. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (Bob on piano and harp), 7. Drifter's Escape (Bob on piano and harp), 8. Bye And Bye (acoustic) (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass), 9. Honest With Me (Bob on piano, Larry on slide guitar), 10. Summer Days (Bob on piano, Tony on standup bass, Tommy Morrongiello on electric guitar), (encore), 11. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Bob on piano and harp)
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