Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/25/95 | Coronado Theater, Rockford, Illinois | 2 | A- | 63min+48min |
version "a"; ?Daud > DAT > Cass(2) > HHB 830 Burnit > cd-r > EAC > Soundforge 6.0 > cdwav > FLAC, Recorded by: Unknown Rockford taper, Transferred, ripped, edited, and archived: Rev. Mike, Source cassette from the estate of Guy Gimbrone, This seed Dedicated in loving memory to Guy Gimbrone on what would have been his 36th birthday.
in comparison to previous version this is similar quality but warmer, fuller, and more echoey; reported to be an upgrade; background talking d1t2, d1t3, d1t7, d1t8, d1t9 plus more occasionally; excellent sound [A]
d1t01 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), d1t02 Lay, Lady, Lay, d1t03 All Along The Watchtower, d1t04 Under The Red Sky, d1t05 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, d1t06 Silvio (Dylan/Hunter), d1t07 Mr. Tambourine Man, d1t08 Gates Of Eden, d1t09 To Ramona, d2t01 Jokerman, d2t02 Shooting Star, d2t03 Obviously Five Believers, d2t04 West LA Fadeaway (Garcia/Hunter), d2t05 The Times They Are A-Changin', d2t06 Rainy Day Women Nos. 12 & 35
Comment# 35, 3/19/07 9:32:05 AM, outsidethelaw
It appears that this recording runs a slight bit fast. During recent DVD upgrade work involving parallel analysis of this source, LB-17 and the original video dvd, it was determined that the speed/pitch must have been changed on this recording because it runs faster than either D017 or the DVD audio
Year 1995
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