Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
6/7/88 | Concord Pavilion, Concord, CA | 1 | B+ | 69min |
Source/lineage information:, taper markp, transfer from the master cassettes, Nakamichi CM300(cp4) > Sony tcd5m > nakamichi cr-1a > hhb cdr830 >, EAC > Flac 1.1.2 with tags > easytree (April 2005), I obtained the audio discs directly from the taper. I have two other, versions of this show, including one torrented by appleberry in 2004, and they are both different from this one. The taper indicates that, this version has only circulated lightly., If you want to check this against a copy you have, the key fingerprints, are the two drop-outs in the first track and the man in the audience, at the start of You're A Big Girl Now. See the annotated tracklist, below., I've included an MD5 file and a Flac fingerprint for the Flac files, and a log of my EAC extraction., The Extras folder contains a number of items, including an MD5 file for, the decoded WAVs, a shntool fingerprint for the whole show (as a single, WAV file), a cue sheet for burning decoded WAV files as an audio CDR, a cue sheet for a single image WAV file, a "shntool len" output showing, no SBEs or other problems, a pretty HTML tracklist, batch files if you, wish to rename the files with the song titles (Windows only, and only if, you trust me!), and some artwork. The art wasn't designed specifically, for this version.
bittorrent download 04/05; very good to excellent sound [B+]; this time on my comparison sample, I thought the LB-0252 was the best followed by this one followed by LB-0255; this one gets harsh on t13; this has least full sound; (a bittorrent from 06/09 has matching md5 except files renamed like "01 Subterranean Homesick Blues.flac"; described with same info file )
analog drops d1tt1 0:34, 0:45; drop end of dt7, t13 0:00; digi-pop t13 4:01; discontinuities between tracks
ANNOTATED TRACK LIST (68:32 - times are from Winamp & only approximate), 01 Subterranean Homesick Blues (3:50), 1 second dropouts for mic adjustments at 0:33 and 0:44, (first just before Dylan sings "fleet foot" and second just after Dylan sings "Look out kid"), 02 Absolutely Sweet Marie (5:20), 03 Masters Of War (5:08), 04 You're A Big Girl Now (5:50), Fingerprint: at 0:07, a man shouts "Mr. Dylan, can you introduce the ...";, music starts at 0:09, singing starts at 0:49, 05 Gotta Serve Somebody (5:56), 06 In The Garden (6:05), 07 Man Of Constant Sorrow (4:17), tape flip at end (?), 08 Lakes Of Pontchartrain (4:45), 09 Boots Of Spanish Leather (4:20), 10 Driftin' Too Far From Shore (4:51), 11 Gates Of Eden (5:14), 12 Like A Rolling Stone (7:58), one minute of crowd noise missing at end - edited or tape flip, 13 Maggie's Farm (5:08)
Year 1988
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