LosslessBob LB-2767

version "a"; source: cdr>cddae>flac, i had a friend looking for an mp3 copy of the two versions of Hallelujah that Bob has done live., the rest of the shows looked pretty decent too, especially the LA songs. figured I'd pair them up, as one torrent since they were out.

bittorrent download 05/05; same recording as LB-2088 and full spectrum; in comparison this one seems less sound processed but that has a fuller sound and makes this sound a little muffled; both have sometimes a light scratchiness or crackling in the background on loud songs caused by levels clipping with it being more noticable on this version; sound levels come up d1t1 2:02 and briefly distort; has some background talking like on d1t4, d1t8, d1t9 and lots more places; good sound [C+]
abrupt start d1t1, abrupt end d1t8
1. Subterranean Homesick Blues, 2. I Shall Be Released, 3. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, 4. Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen), 5. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 6. Highway 61 Revisited, 7. Lakes Of Pontchartrain (trad.), 8. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, 9. Boots Of Spanish Leather, 10. Tangled Up In Blue, 11. In The Garden, 12. Like A Rolling Stone, 13. It Ain't Me, Babe, 14. All Along The Watchtower
Year 1988
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